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Candida producing germ tubes and killing macrophages from within.
Germ tube of Candida albicans Demonstration
Germ tube test Positive |Candida albicans
Candida growth on SDA, Gram stain and Germ tube test Positive
Candida Infection Pathogenicity Example - Mucosal Invasion & Mineral Uptake
Candida albicans germtube test in Microscopic # microbiogist life #microbiology
Generally budding and rarely blastospore of Candida albicans in Gram's stain
Candida Differential Agar #hereditybioacademy #reels
Vinegar VS Bacteria under the microscope!
What Is the Immune System for Kids | Learn all about how the body fights off bad germs
Candida albicans in LPCB tease mount
Macrophages: The Destroyers